Wednesday 12 March 2014

Gators, Crabs and Motorcycles: Part 1

Angela and I are still enjoying our time here in Florida. We've been a little busier these past few days than we were initially, partaking in some outdoor activities and sightseeing. We've also been especially happy to have my mum and Angela's aunt come visit us. Here's a run-down of Days 5, 6 and 7:

On our fifth day we borrowed Angela's parents' bicycles and went for a ride around the local area. 
Cape Coral is actually a pretty big city in terms of area, most of it taken up by residential space.

Many of the houses back onto wide canals like this one.

Not long after we returned from our cycling trip, it started pouring with rain, and it didn't really stop for most of the day.
Despite the weather we decided to get outside and do some errands, such as heading to Dick's Sporting Goods to check out some backpacks. We didn't buy anything, but it was good to see what options we had in preparation for our big trip.
Couldn't help but notice the huge array of guns that were available. Hunting must be pretty popular here.
In the evening we ate at a local Mexican restaurant, where a mariachi band serenaded us with Guantanamera.

On Day 6, we picked up Angela's aunt, Sunny, at the airport, as she was visiting from Atlanta for a few days.
In the evening we played ten-pin bowling.

By Day 7, it was time for a trip to the Everglades. I never went there during my last visit to Florida, so I was particularly excited for the opportunity this time round.

We were driven by airboat over marshy swamplands inhabited by thousands of different birds.

Occasionally we'd weave through labyrinths of mangroves.

This was our first sight of an alligator.

Sometimes, flocks of birds would fly ahead of the boat as we skimmed the water.

We soon had another alligator sighting, this time a large male sunbathing on the grass. He was perfectly still like this the whole time we watched him.
Despite its stillness, Angela couldn't help but feel a little uneasy being this close to a wild gator!
A smaller female.
This one was hovering in the water watching us.

Click here to continue the adventure in Part 2!

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